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Quality Pipes for Preventive Anti-Termite Reticulation System

Quality Pipes for Preventive Anti-Termite Reticulation System

A globally used, fast growing technology to prevent loss and damage due to termites.

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Termipore Reticulation Pipes

TermiPore Pipe is made of special elastomeric compound that gives a honeycomb structure to its walls. Although many refer to it as porous pipe, Termipore material is significantly different with many additives and made using a proprietory process. TermiPore is designed and manufactured specially for sub surface reticulation and preventive termite treatment. It is a highly dependable, effective, affordable and long-lasting pipe for preventive anti-termite reticulation systems.

What is Reticulation

What is Reticulation

Made of specially formulated thermoplastic elastomeric compound, TermiPore assures optimum flow rate for effective termiticide injection.

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Why TermiPore

Why TermiPore

Reticulation is a network of underground pipes installed to distribute the anti-termite solution through the whole structure.

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Installation When & How

Installation When & How

Easy to install, & hassle free, TermiPore Reticulation System can be installed before, during & after construction too!

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Products & Accessories

Products & Accessories

TermiPore Pipes are available in multiple sizes. Not just that,, we also provide all the accessories needed for installation.

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TermiPore Pipes

How to install

Installing TermiPore Reticulation System is a simple process. It is a simple network of pipes across the area, in a net like pattern.


When to install?

TermiPore offers multiple Installation options. It is a myth that anti-termite system can be installed only before construction. The fact is that TermiPore Pipes can be installed - Before, During and After Construction too!



Secure at Foundation

Install at plinth/ground level



Strengthen During Tiling

Install before laying floor tiles



Defend after Construction

Install around the periphery

14 mm
Product Code: TP095145
17 mm Regular
Product Code: TP1255175
19 mm
Product Code: TP1255195
15 mm
Product Code: TP095155
Plastic Elbow
Plastic Tee
Plastic Tee
4 way connector junction
16 mm
4 way junction



TermiPore is a one stop solution provide for all your termite & pest related problems. If you have any queries, our in-house experts will be able to resolve your doubts & problems.

It is a network of pipes installed in a net-like design, to inject and spread termiticide across the area where it is installed. TermiPore Pipes are in use for more than 10 years.

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This system is suitable for all floors. It is a preotective line on the ground floor where the termiticide will stop termite attacks at the foundation itself. But it is also suitable for installing under the tiles so it helps in protecting higher floors as well.

Termite attacks are not restricted to only ground floor. Termites can sneak into your premises through a crack as small as 1/30th of an inch, and they forage day and night for food, in the background, causing irreparable destruction. Termites can also come in through construction material or interior deoration material used, or even through trees and vegetation around the house. 

It is usually too late by the time we can notice damage due to termites on the surface. The loss due to termites is far more than the cost of preventive Anti-termite Reticulation.

Installing a piping system and injecting in it regularly is a small cost compared to the expensive property and interiors in modern houses.  


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Before TermiPore reticulation piping system, there were some other ways in which agencies used to install anti termite reticulation system. These systems had problems and often did not protect against termites, and so even now many people  feel that anti termite piping systems do not work

One method was using drip irrigation pipes. These usually have just 3 to 4 holes per mtr and that too only on one side. Earlier when this was the only option available, many agencies used these pipes. But drip irrigation pipes with drippers are designed for agriculture and irrigation use. They are meant to be used in the field and kept in the open. So when the holes block after a few years, the farmer can easily replace the pipe or cut a portion of the pipe and join it again. When these were used in anti termite piping, ad some holes blocked, the termicide could not be injected in that area and so that part was exposed to termite attacks.

Another system offered in the market by plumbers is that of installing plumbing PVC pipes and drilling holes in it manually. This system has a major flaw - the drilled holes will be quite large. It is not possible to make very very fine or consistent holes this way. As a result, the flow of termicide was not uniform. In fact it was much higher than required. As a result, the termicide would go only the partial length of the pipe, before the quantity of termicide being injected was over. So this left the system open to termite attacks

This kind of historical experience has made many feel that the anti termite reticulation system does not work. However as technology changes, new products and improved systems are now available and they work well.

TermiPore Pipe is a product made specially for anti termite reticulation system.

Depending on the size selected, there are 80 to 100 holes per meter and on all sides of the circumference. The honeycomb structure of TermiPore is created is through a special process of compounding and manufacturing. The holes are not straight line which can be blocked by sand falling on it. They open up with slight pressure of the pump. Hence they do not block of choke with sand or mud. (However one needs to be careful that direct cement does not fall. Once the wet cement dries, it will not allow the holes to open up.)

Moreover the flow rate is designed and controlled so that the termicide flows on all sides and all along the length for at least 60 to 70 feet even with the smallest of pumps. So you can be sure that the termicide will reach every nook and corner.

These properties make TermiPore the ideal choice for anti termite reticulation system.

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Termipore Reticulation System

Reticulation System with drip irrigation pipe or holes drilled in PVC pipe

Traditional method of soil enahncement + drilling holes

Preventive System

Only if soil treatement is done

Safe, without exposing residents to fumes and odour


Termiticide can be injected withou disturbing residents


Can be done before or after partial construction begins


Only soil treatement before construction

Can be done after construction is over




High pipe thickness to avoid bending, compression and blocking




Micro holes all along length of pipe

YES. (50 to 80 holes per meter)

NO. (About 3 holes in every one meter)


Number of holes per meter length

50 to 80

3 to 4


Micro holes on all sides of pipe circumference


NO. Only one one side


No blocking problem due to high number of holes




Flow rate carefully monitored and checked for EVERY roll by manufacturer




Designed Burst Pressure of Pipe

More than 30 Kg / cm2

Not known

Not applicable

RoHS compliant and tested material


Not known

Not known

Life of pipe

30 to 50 years

30 to 50 years

No such provision

Approximate Cost in Rupees / 1000 Sq foot including Termiticide




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